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death fact and i'm pretty very sure about it
Written on: Saturday, May 16, 2009 Time: 8:25 PM
i rather die young w/o pain than to live long n suffer painful death
people might not agree with me. but this is my perspective. everyone is going thru this cycle. it is part and parcel of life death is just the matter of the time. everyone is going to face death anyway
why i seriously choose to die early because of some factor:
1. i dun wan my love ones to die b4 me i dun wan them to leave me behind alone (this sound very selfish. but have u ever thought? what if my love one leave me first. i doubt i would have any will to live. *im weak..lol)
2. i would rather leave the world with the beautiful exposure that i have gained. (no point being greedy to require for more. you might ended up empty handed)
3. i wan to reincarnate as i dun wan to waste to much time at one location. (do u believe in reincarnation? this there such thing in the first place?)
4. if can i would choose that the world come to an end. this is so that everyone wil die happily with their love one..
5. perhaps dying young would be a good curable medicine. (to me, the longer u live the more problems/illness might surface. i dun want to suffer sia. suffer so much le i dun wan live so long)
6. many more. and i'm sure that i'm not the only one think about death now. be positive and open minded about death.
paiseh if this post sounded very emo. but that is the fact about death. treasure everything around you before it is too late.
life is cruel. there might nt be any chances around to be spared. sometimes death is cause by ppl u know sadly to said it could be ur love ones. this world is so not fair. sometime i wonder why some those should not die, died. however those should die didnt (刻死的不死而不刻死的便便死) anyway an interesting website... hopefully whatever it said is true. http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_deat.htm and according to the website... i'm going to hell... lol
of cos i know what i'm talking about in the first place.
not nonsense, not drunk or what. everything is from the bottom of my heart. i speak everything that i feel. just being straight forward. respect my decision.. it is part of human rights as well.
Time: 7:27 PM
goodbye my dear friend rest in peace. *iamsorryyouwillbemisseddeeply
to cousin chris
Written on: Monday, May 11, 2009 Time: 7:13 PM
I love u too dearest cousin. Thanks for that encouraging ppt tt ur did for me. Thanks for letting me know u will support me in everything I do. I'm alright and fine. Just that sch has started and make me think alot. As it is the final yr i’m starting to decide what I should study/do aft I graduate from RP. Therefore i’m feeling kind of tired too.
and cousin alvina... i love you too. you are not forgetten. without both of you guiding me, i would have made lots of mistake. thanks god for letting the both of you to be my cousin. i enjoy times spent with the two. thanks for tolerating my silliness... meet up soon. lovelove =)
to be continue..... if possible...
death fact and i'm pretty very sure about it
Written on: Saturday, May 16, 2009 Time: 8:25 PM
i rather die young w/o pain than to live long n suffer painful death
people might not agree with me. but this is my perspective. everyone is going thru this cycle. it is part and parcel of life death is just the matter of the time. everyone is going to face death anyway
why i seriously choose to die early because of some factor:
1. i dun wan my love ones to die b4 me i dun wan them to leave me behind alone (this sound very selfish. but have u ever thought? what if my love one leave me first. i doubt i would have any will to live. *im weak..lol)
2. i would rather leave the world with the beautiful exposure that i have gained. (no point being greedy to require for more. you might ended up empty handed)
3. i wan to reincarnate as i dun wan to waste to much time at one location. (do u believe in reincarnation? this there such thing in the first place?)
4. if can i would choose that the world come to an end. this is so that everyone wil die happily with their love one..
5. perhaps dying young would be a good curable medicine. (to me, the longer u live the more problems/illness might surface. i dun want to suffer sia. suffer so much le i dun wan live so long)
6. many more. and i'm sure that i'm not the only one think about death now. be positive and open minded about death.
paiseh if this post sounded very emo. but that is the fact about death. treasure everything around you before it is too late.
life is cruel. there might nt be any chances around to be spared. sometimes death is cause by ppl u know sadly to said it could be ur love ones. this world is so not fair. sometime i wonder why some those should not die, died. however those should die didnt (刻死的不死而不刻死的便便死) anyway an interesting website... hopefully whatever it said is true. http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_deat.htm and according to the website... i'm going to hell... lol
of cos i know what i'm talking about in the first place.
not nonsense, not drunk or what. everything is from the bottom of my heart. i speak everything that i feel. just being straight forward. respect my decision.. it is part of human rights as well.
Time: 7:27 PM
goodbye my dear friend rest in peace. *iamsorryyouwillbemisseddeeply
to cousin chris
Written on: Monday, May 11, 2009 Time: 7:13 PM
I love u too dearest cousin. Thanks for that encouraging ppt tt ur did for me. Thanks for letting me know u will support me in everything I do. I'm alright and fine. Just that sch has started and make me think alot. As it is the final yr i’m starting to decide what I should study/do aft I graduate from RP. Therefore i’m feeling kind of tired too.
and cousin alvina... i love you too. you are not forgetten. without both of you guiding me, i would have made lots of mistake. thanks god for letting the both of you to be my cousin. i enjoy times spent with the two. thanks for tolerating my silliness... meet up soon. lovelove =)
to be continue..... if possible...
About me
Juliana Heng29 March 1989RP - DIT all i wan is a simple life. people to love and care for me. tt's all and that people is you. *buwnnk
***My Wishlist***pass btt, ftt, tpbe offically licenseppcdl(powered pleasure craft driving license)graduate from RP soon -- pass both fyp as wellcomplete my christmas listuse my saving wiselyknow my needs and wants well get into IMIwork harder for my future
***Love***my familymy cousinscyclingswimmingbowlingtravellingdaydreaming
***Dislike***i choose to ignore
***Places tt i'm yearning to visit***the great STATEswitzerland or rather europejapanAustraliaHongKongThailand
will be back soon
November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009